Start Time

What time is the game starting on Monday?

Also if the table fills up at 12 players and Cuz is available to play will he be permitted to join the game? If not no worries I will bow out and catch you guys next time.
Just want to know before hand so no drama ensues.


12 thoughts on “Start Time”

  1. To clairify… it was verbally agreed 2pm was the cut off for game cancellation, personal cancellation,(meaning you pay if you don’t show)and we also said that 2 pm was cut off for sign up. However the brotherly thing to do is allow any and all members right up to 7:30pm regardless of count. Cuz was a maybe (that’s fine, no problem)We obviously need an idea of head count for set up etc. All good. Harmony.

  2. I could be wrong, Evan maybe you could confirm but there never been a cut off time to when you could be in… The only thing that was asked was if you were in and can’t make it you were asked to notify the group by 7pm or were asked to pay the entry fee still.

    1. That might have been…But it’s not on the website rules currently.
      And there is a bunch of new players that don’t know what you so called OG’s have played or discussed.

      We are working with current perimeters and not the past.

  3. As per past arguments when we bought the new table.
    Nothing ever official came out of it…go ahead and read the 123 emails and peoples private text messages.

    If we are allowing more than 12 people…Why is the booking system cut off at 12?
    If someone has the right to not pre-book until 7:59pm then why have a pre-booking system.
    We have a enough problems having people to pre-book as it is. Al puts out messages every week ” whos in “.

    This has nothing to do with Cuz…luv that guy.
    But if you don’t know what you’re doing by 4pm game day I call BS 95% of the time.

    Respect your other players who do have the courtesy and actually make an effort to follow the protocol.

    As far as the Rules go….
    Start typing them….’Cause what you said about the times, sign-ins & 2 tables is not on the rules page.

    speaking of things not there…
    Where is are ability to vote on the site…I know the mighty site creator is busy but there is a ton of free 3rd party plugins to help.

    I would like to finalize what we are doing with the old table and what we are doing with the $$ such as TV(s)

  4. Chris is correct. The cut off is to call off a game if we do not have enough.
    It looks like we may have 15 tomorrow. So two tables. All I ask is that we stick to the rules. One rebuy. Having two tables is rare occasion. Calling off a game happens more often.

  5. Not being a shite disturber.
    I thought there was a cut-off by a time of.

    This was in place so that if 2 tables were needed it gave the proper amount of time needed to set everything up.

    Hopefully Cuz can make it 😉

    miss my grey friends!

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