Someone needs to look at this website. It has a problem with saving comments.
I am good with the current rules or with increasing some blinds.
Although I feel that when games go long it is usually happens with 3-4 people left. Increasing blinds may not help since chips move around the table until two people get playable all in hands. On average we have been ending at 11:30. I do agree with lowering the noise level and keeping your hands out of the pot unless you are dealing. As far as being late I agree with Wayne and Al there should be a penalty unless you have a valid reason.
So what if someone is late. All you are going to do is piss people off it will be the beginning of the end of the game.
You are under the crazy notion that coming late has some kind of advantage. IT DOES NOT. If you think so, come two hours late every week and see how you do.
I still think if you are late there needs to be some kind of consequence
every reason would be a valid reason for that person