This was taken from our own set of rules. I’ve highlighted a few words.
- Players who do not respect each other or this game will be asked to leave the game and not return. This is not a casino or bull ring it is a friendly social game.
Code of Conduct
- Orderly maintenance of the game and civility among those who participate.
- A player who repeatedly violates poker etiquette is a disruption to the game
Refrain from criticising another player’s play.
- Limit unnecessary chatter to avoid disturbing active players.
- Do not be verbally abusive. (family, race, religion or personal attacks)
Seeing as though I adhere the rule of not smashing a bottle into another player’s face, why then aren’t the above rules being enforced? (Al)
I agree that none of the rules stated above are enforced. I understand most of these rules should be common courtesy and shouldn’t need to be enforced, but when they are broke something needs to be done.
To clarify my reasons for bowing out.
I agree with Chris’post last week and of course mine this week.
Sadly the result is I no longer find the environment conducive or enjoyable. My best to you all. Happy holidays