- Al
- Rich – back from $300.00
- Floyd
In for events
If you are in for an event. Just type in or Maybe. NOT OUT!
If you are a Maybe and change to out then delete your booking for the event by going to My bookings. This frees up a spot at the table.
If you are bringing up to two people then above where you type” in” there is a drop menu set to 1. If there is you and a guest then choose 2 if you and two guest then choose 3. If this changes then delete your booking (in My booking) and re-book for the proper number (in Events).
There are 12 spots reserved for the game. When you choose 2 spots it automatically take up two seats at the table. When you say out it takes up a spot.
That is how it was written and shall be and forever as he who writes shall never change the written unless the great author of all who records the great written word believes that he means to change as it was written. That is all.
Grey Cup Sunday Nov. 29
As in the tradition of Super Bowl Sunday, would anybody like to play on Grey cup Sunday Nov. 29, 2015? Instead of the Monday?
Food, chilli, ribs, side bets, etc. ???
Results Oct 26
Kelvin 1st (four Aces helps)
Steve M 2nd
Kevin 3rd
e Mail band
I prefer to comunicate through the site. To the powers that be…. please get Elio, Phil, Steve M, Floyd and whomevere else signed up and able to log in. Thx
Results for October 19 2015
Al 1st
Chris 2nd
Kelvin 3rd
Monday, October 12th, 2015 – Results
- Floyd
- Evan
- Dan
Rob Tyler
Thanks for letting me play along last Monday but wow, I sure am rusty! rt : )
Monday, October 4th, 2015 – Results
- AL
- Kevin
- Kelvin
Monday, September 28, 2015 – Results
- Evan
- Wayne
- EvanAl/li>