This game was started for a bunch of guys to come out and have fun and play a little poker. Nobody gets rich at this game or poor. It gave us a reason to get together for some special events and have some fun. Now it seems every week that everyone is pissed off and constantly wanting rule changes.
My suggestion is that if you are looking for a friendly game to come and have fun at then come back to our game and play and have fun and try to get your name on the silly cup for bragging rights. If you are looking to go to a game to make a $1000 a week then That is probably not going to happen here.
MY Personal opinion and thoughts, take them for what you will.
I know I haven’t been out to the game in quite some time due to other personal obligations and committment’s I have at the moment. So my opinions may not matter as much as they used to. I will be back once things settle down. I have always enjoyed playing cards with the lot of you and have enjoyed some eventfull outings such as seeing Al & Rob play, or catching a game with Wanyer or all the fun pot locks and superbowl parties.Can’t forget the game that we had at Rich’s.
By no means do I consider to be the best player of the group or do I think that I’m a professional by any means. All I know is that i’m better than Rich! LOL
I agree with Evan that a fair bit of the guys are attending the game for a social outing, shoot the shit, play some cards and get away from the daily grind & hang out with friends. I personally had the best time playing cards before we introduced the cup. BUT i know all too well that with any competitive game espeically with some $ at stake things will naturally serious nature its own.
We have to decide if the Monday game is more intended for “serious” poker play or a “social’ outing and from there form the rules accordingly.
My vote would be to abolish the cup and start a new.
Continue to take and an “x” amount of $ from each tourney ( maybe $5 or $10 depending on # of players) and put inside the cup for things like, chairs, cards,chips,tv’s, ear plugs and of course strippers & topless dealers! Vote on how and when to use the $ as a group.
Things will get less heated and pretty sure everyone will have a good time!
that’s my fifty cents,
peace out!!
New Proposed rules
1) A separate fee should be paid by those who wish to compete for the cup $10 or $15
(that purse money goes to the winner of the cup). Those who don’t pay are not eligible for points.
2) Any player not at the table at the time of their deal has to to put a big blind in the pot.
3) This is a big one so read. new point structure
first gets 4 second gets 2 third gets 1
If a chop is made for the money by the final two then the points must also be chopped, 3, 3, and 1
First eligible player to 20 points gets his name on the cup and purse money.
I believe all ideas should be heard, considered, discussed rationally and ultimately decided by majority vote.
Posted by Al
Motions passed by vote
1) New Start Time 7:30
2) Blinds structure stays the same (no anti)
3) 5 min break at top up if requested
MAY 9th game is on if we have enough players.
You should now be able to sign up for tonight. PLEASE if you are playing tonight sign up and comment here that you are playing.
If you ever find that you are unable to join the game and you should be able to then text or send an email to Rich or myself or post a message. It would also help if you know you are in before Monday then add yourself to the list you can always remove yourself Monday afternoon.
We do not have enough to play tonight so the came is canceled
Vote: Should we try a new blind / Anti Structure or leave its as is?
Vote: Should we try a new blind / Anti Structure or leave its as is?
(If we decide to have a new structure, we can figure that out later)
New Structure ? / Leave As Is?
Vote: Break at Top Up Time?
Should we have a five minute break at Top Up Time?
Yes / No??
Vote: New Start Time?
Vote #1 – New start time of 7:30 PM or leave as is?
Monday, May 2nd, 2016 Results
- Evan – 5 points
- AL – 4 points
- Rich – 3 points