New Rules and Changes

Please take a look at the Rules page. I have tried to clarify many of the Rules that we play and have played.

Last night we finalized the Vote on the Cup and a buy-in change.

The Cup will stay as is. Some have suggested they may have a separate wager on who wins the cup. This is completely independent of the game and is between members who wish to do so.

The second item that was voted was to amend the buy-in rule to include buy-ins after the top up but not when only 3 or less are in the game. Please see rules for details.

A motion to change the buy-in to 7500 was re-opened and was posted on the website for vote by Wayne. Please let your vote be known as the members at the table last night have already voted.

Finally if you see something in the Rules that needs to be changed or added please let me know.


Meeting tonight

Just a friendly reminder that Evan has posted that we are having a meeting tonight to vote on rule changes. We currently don’t have enough for a game so it could be a short night. Log in and sign up for tonight if you can attend and see you at 7:30 if you can make it.


Monday May 16th at 7:30pm we will have a meeting to discuss any outstanding issues and vote on a resolution.
All issues posted on this website that have been carried will be added to the rules. All outstanding issues will be discussed voted and added if needed. If you have not Voted on the site please do so now as any discussion and vote will include the votes on this site and any in person votes. Please see the vote section and there is a post about the cup under posts to be voted on.  If you are not able to come at 7:30pm and want to be included please post, email or text and we will include you.  You will be able to be heard by text or phone call.  If you believe there are missing rules that we already play that need to be added to the website please type them out and let me know. I will be editing the rule page before we start the game.

I hope that we can conclude the discussions and Vote by 8pm but if not this Meeting will conclude no later than 8:25.

ONCE  we have concluded this meeting the rules will be added/changed.

The usual Monday night game will be held after the votes. The new / changed rules will be in effect.  As with any vote there will be some who agree and some who disagree with the outcome. I hope that since all who wanted have their say did, everyone can now come to the table and we can continue to have a nice weekly social poker event.




Who's In, Bitches