It’s coming to that time where we are given an opertunity to change or modify the current rules.
Please make your suggestions here.
If no one has an issue with it I’ll take all the suggestions, place them on a sheet and email them put to everyone for a first round of voting.
To assist me in organizing them please state at the beginning of your suggestion(s) which category it falls under.
- Website – improvements, suggestions
- Sign ups – max/min number of players, cut off times
- Point structure – amount to win cup/ point payout
- Buy ins/rebuys/topups/chip counts
- Game play – start time/game day/speed of play/ string bets/ table talk
- Equipment – table/cards/chairs/tv
- Other
Please do not comment on other people’s suggestions. I will add a comment space on the voting sheet in case you like their idea but would like to change or add something to it. if the original idea has a lot of votes I will resend for a second round of voting with your changes as anthor choice.