
How about as an incentive rather than a penalty, those who are on time get an additional 500 or 1000? (positive not negitive)

I’m ok with higher blinds but as long as it doesn’t turn into Bingo poker.  Ah… J,8   all in after playing smart for 4 hours….Duh!

We are trying to encourage players not chase them away.

Keep break but it could be shorter.

I think anti’s would cause fights…who’s not in etc… bla bla bla


Grey Cup food order

I have no problem picking up pizza on my way to the game on Sunday. How about $10 per person and I will place the order at 4:30. I will pick it up at 5 and be at Evan’s for 5:30.

Leave a comment on this post that you are in for $10 for pizza by 4:30 pm Sunday November 26, 2017 and you will be included in my order. If you fail to post by 4:30 pm then you should probably bring your own food.


Who's In, Bitches