25 min. blinds before cut off / 20 min. after ?
Is everyone cool to go with that for this cup run? (start points)
The game ended before 11 last week.
Superbowl food and sign up
This Monday 22nd we need to discuss what we are doing for food for Superbowl. Do we pot luck? Or buy some wings and pizza. No white rice!
Also please sign up so we know we have a game and can plan how much food we need.
That is all
Sign up
The poker site had some issues with the main page. Rich has fixed this. You can now sign up for the next few games.
Jan 18 (Trial)
I think we should leave the early blinds the same and then increase after cut off. It gives everyone a solid 2 hour chance to play and a re buy is still sensible…. but after the crunch, do or die and with blinds going up, my belief is the game will have more action and pace. Also half the table would already be out so it won’t even effect them.
oh ya, thanks Rich and Anna, that was fun and a I’m still full.
Hey are we doing Super bowl game? if so i’ll be late, got to work
Jan 1st, 2018 Results
- Evan
- Kelvin
- Rich
Test for floyd
Rule Change suggestions for 2018
Rule changes suggested in the other threads and during some table conversations over the last few weeks.
1. “player must cancel booking (online) one hour prior to game time” or you owe the $30 entry
2. pay 3rd place $15 and no more half price
3. after 500/1000 go up by 200 to 7/14, 9/18, 11/22, 13/26, 15,30 etc
4. get rid of the break
5. institute a bonus for on time. Everyone at the table for cards in the air at 7:30 gets a bonus $1000
6. no phones at table
7. start charging ante’s for every player in every hand.
8. Cards to be dealt out as required and in a straight line or dealer pays a penalty of one big blind
9. Anyone that wants to rabbit hunt must pay a small blind to the pot.
In order to try and make this as fair as possible please respond to this thread with the number of the rule change and your “YES” or “NO” votes for each of the suggestions.
Response to Al’s post
Someone needs to look at this website. It has a problem with saving comments.
I am good with the current rules or with increasing some blinds.
Although I feel that when games go long it is usually happens with 3-4 people left. Increasing blinds may not help since chips move around the table until two people get playable all in hands. On average we have been ending at 11:30. I do agree with lowering the noise level and keeping your hands out of the pot unless you are dealing. As far as being late I agree with Wayne and Al there should be a penalty unless you have a valid reason.
Happy Ho Ho
Are we addressing the rules or do we just want to leave them?
Increasing blinds is a structure change not a rule change, less phone action, card passing and less chatter should be common courtesy to those with time issues. Of course we still want a fun relaxed atmosphere but let’s all try to be on time and conscious of slowing down play. If someone has a legit reason for arriving late an arrival time should be given. I share Wayne’s frustration about 4 or 5 a table at 7:30((it bites). Someone suggested 8 pm start for winter season? I am fine with that but that affects the end time too.
Or Wayne propose rule changes and lets conclude.