
MY Personal opinion and thoughts, take them for what you will.

I know I haven’t been out to the game in quite some time due to other personal obligations and committment’s I have at the moment. So my opinions may not matter as much as they used to. I will be back once things settle down. I have always enjoyed playing cards with the lot of you and have enjoyed some eventfull outings such as seeing Al & Rob play, or catching a game with Wanyer or all the fun pot locks and superbowl parties.Can’t forget the game that we had at Rich’s.

By no means do I consider to be the best player of the group or do I think that I’m a professional by any means. All I know is that i’m better than Rich! LOL

I agree with Evan that a fair bit of the guys are attending the game for a social outing, shoot the shit, play some cards and get away from the daily grind & hang out with friends. I personally had the best time playing cards before we introduced the cup. BUT i know all too well that with any competitive game espeically with some $ at stake things will naturally serious nature its own.

We have to decide if the Monday game is more intended for “serious” poker play or a “social’ outing and from there form the rules accordingly.

My vote would be to abolish the cup and start a new.
Continue to take and an “x” amount of $ from each tourney  ( maybe $5 or $10 depending on # of players) and put inside the cup for things like, chairs, cards,chips,tv’s, ear plugs and of course strippers & topless dealers! Vote on how and when to use the $ as a group.

Things will get less heated and pretty sure everyone will have a good time!

that’s my fifty cents,
peace out!!


12 thoughts on “Notes”

  1. As the new guy, here’s my two cents. Not sure who Sandman is so perhaps you can fill me in. I agree with Wayne. I like coming cause it’s a fun game, lots of joking around and nothing too serious. I have no problem donating my $30 and enjoy my time playing. I’m not a cup contender but it’s good incentive for some and entertaining to watch you guys rib each other over it. I don’t know why this is getting so complicated? As a newcomer, it appears that you already had a good system that everyone enjoyed. I’m of the opinion of if its not broken then don’t fix it.

  2. I agree more No cup, no more points.

    I also think we should consider switching to a cash game. It will enable people come and go as their personal schedule requires. It would also get rid of the timed and increasing blinds. We could also set a last hand time as an example last hand is at 11pm. I think this would greatly increase attendance and decrease the stress and arguing at the game and allow people to rebuy as much as they wish.

  3. Keep the cup. If you feel like coming to play for the cup then do that. If you feel like coming to play for the cash that you are going to win then come and do that but that was not what this game was ever about. If you get down to the last two players then you both can decide what you wantt to do. Chop 60/40 or play it out or what ever you decide and both agree on. If you are not in the last two then it should not matter to you what they decide. If it does matter what the last two guys do then I guess you should have played better to be in the final two in order to have a say.
    What I don’t understand is why the guys that say the cup means nothing to them are the same ones saying that it makes a big difference to the cup race when it gets down to two people and they decide to split. If I want to split and the guy I am playing against says split also what is stopping me from doing that or playing the next hand and going all in and then mucking my hand. Now it is a split.

  4. In truth the guys who rebuy a lot paid for the table, tv’s etc… Those who never re buy contributed dick but still enjoy the benifits. So fine a way to tax everyone equally. 100% of re buy money should go in that nights pot.

  5. I say no more cup – retire it. Seems to be causing tension and it’s tough to gauge the “winner” with so many players going in and out. FYI I really like the game and glad it’s there.

  6. Retiring the cup sounds like a good idea.
    Strictly play for the weekly prize.
    55% to 1st
    30% to 2nd
    10% to 3rd

    5% to the incidentals.

  7. Good to hear from you Man thanks for your thoughts and input. You bring up a good point, maybe the cup competition has created more hassle than good. I would be fine to retire it. No more crying about points. It would only really be accurate if the same 12 guys played every week. What do the rest of think?

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