1) A separate fee should be paid by those who wish to compete for the cup $10 or $15
(that purse money goes to the winner of the cup). Those who don’t pay are not eligible for points.
2) Any player not at the table at the time of their deal has to to put a big blind in the pot.
3) This is a big one so read. new point structure
first gets 4 second gets 2 third gets 1
If a chop is made for the money by the final two then the points must also be chopped, 3, 3, and 1
First eligible player to 20 points gets his name on the cup and purse money.
I believe all ideas should be heard, considered, discussed rationally and ultimately decided by majority vote.
Posted by Al
1. No
2. No
3. No
I vote to leave the game as is.
1.I LIKE this idea – my vote is YES
2.I do NOT like this idea – my vote is NO ( muck their hand if not at the table after last card is dealt, except when they are a SB or BB )
3. I LIKE this idea – my vote is YES for chopping of the points if a deal is made. I would suggest increasing the total points to win the cup though as it sounds like more and more chops are happening )
yes to all 3
change and evolution is a proven must if anything is to last
I vote yes to all three.
I would like to come out more but I’d like to see weekly cash out and cup winning payout.
I vote to leave it as is.
I vote to leave it as is
I vote yes to all three