4 thoughts on “List now shows up on events page”

  1. I agree with Kelvin on this one. Its going to be great not receiving endless amount of emails throughout the day.

    I can now go back to watching porn while at work instead of waiting for the next topic to vote on.

  2. Hey Steve, this site is great, as you have noticed I was the first to register and book for this Monday’s game. With this site I don’t have to be distracted by a shitload of unnecessary emails. Now I can ignore you f#’&ers until game night. See you on Monday.

  3. Hey guys, so the beauty of this site is that you can sign in for future games. I have already signed up for the game on September 21st.

    Sadly, we may never see Kelvin again. If he can’t manage an email then he is totally f%$ked on this new site.

    Good luck all, get your login sorted and register for an event!

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