7 thoughts on “June, 18th 2018 results”

  1. Wrong to change anything now but I do agree with Kevin. In saying that we should do what has been done in the past I think someone said there was another time when we had two names down as winners. So that is what we should do.

    That could be two voting issues for this coming Monday:

    1) Bad Beats
    2) Multiply Winners

  2. Congrats on winning.

    Not that I’ve been out lately….
    My two cents:
    How can you have two winners?
    I get that it’s a race to 18(bore me with the speech).

    It should be who ever wins the night if it comes down to two people at the end.

    Player A end with 19pts &Player B had 18 pts
    Player A wins the round.

    Bad enough there is now pot for winning but splitting a plaque on the trophy kinda of liberal.

    Ricky Bobby says: if you ain’t first, you’re last.

    All opinions expressed are from a PC supporter who didn’t march in the parade

    1. Fuck that…I ended with 19 points and Rich only had 18!

      Joking of course, yes both names but I think mine should be on top and slight bigger font lol.

      Thanks for doing this Al, much appreciated.

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