Friendly reminder

Poker night was started in the early 90’s by 10 founding members as a fun, social event. Since then new players have joined and improved the quality of the “game”.  We all want the same thing, a fair, competitive, quality game. However I think the “fun, social” part is declining. Some of the jokes and jabs are getting a little uncomfortable, I include myself. The same way we need structure with game rules, we also need structure with social rules.

*Be more respectful —-  (wives, kids, religion, race, colour,)  should be off limits.

*Try to communicate   —-  (In or Out, if you are going to be late, give a time)

*Maybe no electronics?  —- (creates distractions and slows play) hey you might even have talk to each other

*Try to help with the moving of chips and cards.

*Be nice to new players      (instead of taking offence to these suggestions maybe just agree)





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