- Mike
- Al (cup)
- Kevin
Note: I believe rules are back up for discussion, submit suggestions and lets vote before next cup run.
Note: I believe rules are back up for discussion, submit suggestions and lets vote before next cup run.
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Congratulations Al. Well done. Better luck next time Steve.
As for the rules I would like to make a few suggestions to consider.
– we currently blind out the people that say they are coming but will be late, I would like to discuss an additional penalty of $100 per ten minutes you are past the start time. This could be calculated and taken at the time of arrival ($100 per ten minutes or part of another ten minute interval, for example, 10 minutes late = $100 but 11 minutes late would be $200 but 19 or 20 minutes would still only be $200.)
– the reason for this is because we have too many weeks where 3 or 4 of us are sitting there at 7:30 waiting to start a game but we do not have enough people.
– I completely understand that everyone can have a reason they may be late every now and then but you should be able to give us a time that you will be there. The penalty should apply up to the time that you have given and then double the penalty for any time after the time you stated.
– a slight change of this rule currently listed under “Absent Players” of our current rules posted on the website
“- If a player states he will be there, then they are obliged to pay the $30.00 if they do not show up.”
This rules should say that if a player does not remove his name from the list”cancel booking” at least one hour prior to the start time to to open the player slot back up for someone else then they are still on the hook to pay the $30 entry fee on the return to the next game they attend.
The only reason I am asking for these rules changes is to try and encourage as many people as possible to be at the game on time,
I would also like to discuss a curfew for the game of 11:30 PM (4 hours for regular games) although it may be longer for earlier starting and special games. At the curfew the chips would determine placement and payout.
Last one, instead of 3rd place getting half price next week I am suggesting that we pay out $15 to 3rd place and nobody gets half price next week. Sometimes you get third place and can’t come next week so you win nothing. I know sometimes it helps get more players signed up for the following week but I am not sure if that works very often (except for Marc last week, lol).
Thanks Steve, it’s back up for grabs y’all.
I’m ok with current rules but someone suggested the blinds should go up faster or bigger after the break? I’m not smart enough to know if that is a good or bad idea?
Hey Al, congrats!
Well done buddy, it was a nice race for a while but you ran away with the cup.
For the rules I have to admit I like the way it is set up now. Maybe just clarify if you say you are in and don’t cancel out prior to cards in the air you still owe the pot next game (unless of course you missed the game due to death, heart attack alone is not an excuse right Floyd lol).