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MAY 9th game is on if we have enough players.

You should now be able to sign up for tonight. PLEASE if you are playing tonight sign up and comment here that you are playing.

If you ever find that you are unable to join the game and you should be able to then text or send an email to Rich or myself or post a message. It would also help if you know you are in before Monday then add yourself to the list you can always remove yourself Monday afternoon.

attachment proposal

 Home Game Poker Etiquette

  • Orderly maintenance of the game and civility among those who participate.
  • A player who repeatedly violates poker etiquette is a disruption to the game


  • Be modest when you win.
  • Refrain from criticizing another player’s play.
  • Limit unnecessary chatter to avoid disturbing active players.
  • Do not hit on another player, no matter how attractive you find them.
  • Dealer should control flow the hand
  • Do not be verbally abusive. (family, race, religion or personal attacks)

Table Presence

  • Manage your table space reasonably.
  • Keep your chips on the table.
  • Do not handle another player’s chips or cards.
  • Protect your cards so that no one else can see them.
  • Keep your cards on the table.


  • Play at a reasonable speed.
  • It is each player’s responsibility to follow the flow of the game. Play in turn.
  • At no time should any player make statements that could unfairly influence the play of a hand.
  • Do not comment about the cards you just threw away.
  • Refrain from making comments about potential, flushes, straights etc. on the board

The Showdown

  • Do not mis-declare your hand.
  • Show your winning hand quickly. Do not “slow-roll”
  • Any player requesting a Rabbit hunt should have to pay 100 to low stack


  • Agreeing to “check-down” a hand after a player has gone All-in is not technically allowed.

new rules proposal

New rules proposal

– get rid of the 25/50 blind and start at 50/100
– top ups are after 400/800 blinds
– 1 rebuy per person at anytime during the night except if there is three or less players left at the table. No rebuys at all when there is three or less players left.

Every player signs a copy of the printed rules and it gets posted on the wall with their signature before they start to play.

The rest of the existing rules remain in effect.
