- Kevin
- Wayne
- Evan
Category Archives: Uncategorised
Monday June 13 We do have a game. 7 players so far
Do we have anyone else interested in playing on Monday June 13?
We currently only have 3 signed up.
To help recruit, I propose anyone who brings a new player gets $10 off that nights buy in?
Too many guys are dropping off if you haven’t noticed?
posted by Al
Results from June 6
King Al luck on my side 1st
Kelvin what da ass 2nd
Steve Aces made me do it 3rd
We have a game.
Kevin and kelvin are in so we have 7
Game tonight?
Only 3 people signed up for tonight… so we calling it off? I can make other plans.
Cards Against Humanity
Hey guys, if anyone is interested in buying the game Cards Against Humanity please let me know.
I can get them for $20 per game.
Also $6per each expansion packs.
please email or text me directly if your interested.
May 30 Results
Al 1st
Wayne 2nd
Kelvin 3rd
Next game June 6th Please sign up to play.
Game tonight???
What time is the cutoff for the game tonight. I am looking to make alternate plans if we are not going to have enough players.