Category Archives: Uncategorised

Next Cup Run – Lets go back to Basics?!

Here’s an idea that i tossed out there last night at Rich’s 60th bday party.

How about we try out a $30 buy in with no top ups, no rebuys for 10k in chips for the next cup run?

Also add a small bad beat prize from the  money in the cup ( $30 to $40 max ) to the mix for someone that gets knocked out within 2 hrs from start of game. ( or the end of 4th blind level )

Something simple as  AA’s full over AA’s full & higher.

Thoughts gentlemen?




Happy 2017 sign in

I realize it’s a new year and some of you have only been playing here for about 15+ years. As of this moment we have 4 people signed in for Monday. I know I spoke to two people who said they are playing but have not signed up. Please sign in if you want to play. Let’s have fun maybe someone will bring leftover Halloween candy from the weekend.


About the game and players

We all have to recognize that this is not a casino but a bunch of guys hanging out to have some fun and maybe win some money. We should not be bullying, commenting on others play, not passing card, on their phone while in the hand, trying to be loud, making fun of a play. (There is a difference between making fun and commenting on a beat). If a player(s) comment on another players aggressiveness or another players manor at the table that player has to recognize that others are annoyed at their play. By no means should we all be stoic and just sit quietly but at the same time we are not a bunch of five year olds at a birthday party. If you’re not in the hand watch don’t give your opinion while the hand is in play. Opinion would be I would not have played that. Not why would you play that? We have a good thing going here. Most of us have broken the common curtsey rule. We’re all adults so if someone says you’re bothering them then stop and think before you continue. So please be respectful of others and if you feel disrespected say something. – Evan