- Wayne
- Evan
- Kelvin
No points because two by in’s allowed.
Category Archives: Uncategorised
Jan 29th results
1. Whiteboy
2. Kelvin
3. Floyd
Jan 21st results
1. Jerry
2. Whiteboy
3. Steward
4. Wayne
Poker tourney in Scarborough Jan 27th.
25 min. blinds before cut off / 20 min. after ?
Is everyone cool to go with that for this cup run? (start points)
The game ended before 11 last week.
Superbowl food and sign up
This Monday 22nd we need to discuss what we are doing for food for Superbowl. Do we pot luck? Or buy some wings and pizza. No white rice!
Also please sign up so we know we have a game and can plan how much food we need.
That is all
Sign up
The poker site had some issues with the main page. Rich has fixed this. You can now sign up for the next few games.
Jan 18 (Trial)
I think we should leave the early blinds the same and then increase after cut off. It gives everyone a solid 2 hour chance to play and a re buy is still sensible…. but after the crunch, do or die and with blinds going up, my belief is the game will have more action and pace. Also half the table would already be out so it won’t even effect them.
oh ya, thanks Rich and Anna, that was fun and a I’m still full.
Hey are we doing Super bowl game? if so i’ll be late, got to work
Jan 1st, 2018 Results
- Evan
- Kelvin
- Rich