$55.00 in bounties, is that a record?
$55.00 in bounties, is that a record?
We have 5 players so far anyone else or is there not goring to be a game?
1st) Al 3
2nd) Rich 2
3rd) Kelvin 1
If anyone is interested on going to the Playground in Montreal at the end of the month let me know.
email me directly @ sandipis@gmail.com
I’m thinking leave Toronto FRI AM on April 28th and stay upto MON or TUE( depending on if anyone can final table the tourney )
Anyhow I’d thought I’d throw it out there for all.
happy Easter and egg hunting to ALL!
Why have you not signed in for poker yet for Monday night March 20? Should we just give the cup to Dunning? I need more help stopping him because clearly I can’t.