1 Floyd
2 Wayne
3 Kelvin
1 Floyd
2 Wayne
3 Kelvin
Feb 10 results
1 Wayne
2 Floyd
3 Rich
Feb 3 results
1 Jerry
2 Wayne
3 Steve
4 Sandip
1. Wayne
2 Al
3. Chris
come on guys, we need more players for the game on Monday August 27. Rich is away and Al is working at the Ex probably. Sign up so we know if we have a game.
We have 6 signed up so far for tonight. Is anyone else playing?
1. Wayne
2. Julius
3. Steve
4. Kevin
Rule changes suggested in the other threads and during some table conversations over the last few weeks.
1. “player must cancel booking (online) one hour prior to game time” or you owe the $30 entry
2. pay 3rd place $15 and no more half price
3. after 500/1000 go up by 200 to 7/14, 9/18, 11/22, 13/26, 15,30 etc
4. get rid of the break
5. institute a bonus for on time. Everyone at the table for cards in the air at 7:30 gets a bonus $1000
6. no phones at table
7. start charging ante’s for every player in every hand.
8. Cards to be dealt out as required and in a straight line or dealer pays a penalty of one big blind
9. Anyone that wants to rabbit hunt must pay a small blind to the pot.
In order to try and make this as fair as possible please respond to this thread with the number of the rule change and your “YES” or “NO” votes for each of the suggestions.
1. Wayne
2. Stuart
3. Marc
I have no problem picking up pizza on my way to the game on Sunday. How about $10 per person and I will place the order at 4:30. I will pick it up at 5 and be at Evan’s for 5:30.
Leave a comment on this post that you are in for $10 for pizza by 4:30 pm Sunday November 26, 2017 and you will be included in my order. If you fail to post by 4:30 pm then you should probably bring your own food.