- Evan
- Godfrey
- Wayne
All posts by Evan Freedman
Monday May 27 results
- Evan
- Al
- Steve
The cup has been won bitches.
May 20 results
- Evan
- Rich
- Al
May 13 results
- Evan
- Al
- Floyd
Monday April 22 results
- Evan
- Wayne
- Kelvin
Monday 25 results
- Mike T
- Evan
- Steve
Monday 11 results
- FloYd🤡
- Wayne😛
- Kelvin
March 4th results
- Evan
- Al
- Whiteboy Chris
Sunday Poker food now at 5:30 not 5 and..
We have a total of 11 spots taken for Sunday. Sandip if your buddy is coming please change your signup to reflect two spots otherwise someone else can sign up. The game is closed at 12.
Wayne is picking up Pizza and wings. The funds will come out of the club’s cup money. If anyone want to bring more food or snacks or deserts be my guest. The game is regular rules. If you want to play we will be picking cards for players numbers. Wayne will probably bet with Dan and Kelvin to see how long the national anthem will be. He will use the winnings to buy in again and possibly take out Floyd in a hand that neither of them should be in.
See you all tomorrow. ArrrrrgoSSSSS
Dec 2 results