All posts by Evan Freedman
Response to Al’s post
Someone needs to look at this website. It has a problem with saving comments.
I am good with the current rules or with increasing some blinds.
Although I feel that when games go long it is usually happens with 3-4 people left. Increasing blinds may not help since chips move around the table until two people get playable all in hands. On average we have been ending at 11:30. I do agree with lowering the noise level and keeping your hands out of the pot unless you are dealing. As far as being late I agree with Wayne and Al there should be a penalty unless you have a valid reason.
My Rule thoughts.
I agree with Al. Maybe get 500-1000 if you are on time. I think too much is being made of the length of the game. As the person who is always here at the end I think the most games have ended between 11:30 and 12 some earlier and some later. When we are down to three or four is when the game drags and chips move from player to player. Maybe increasing the higher blinds by a larger amount may work. But it could also mean that three players pass chips until someone calls an all in. Do we really need to complain about a 5 Min break? Go pee, stretch your legs. It’s 5 min. That’s like only $300 OPG pay for Wayne. Let’s keep it fun not confusing.
Congratulations to Al?
Alan reached 18 points last night and has won the cup. As our buddy Floyd would say Good job Al?
A new cup race starts next week. Good luck!
Poker Oct 30th.
I will not be playing tonight. There are four people signed up. If we do not have enough by 4pm the game will be canceled.
Hey you sign up for Poker
Poker Oct 16th. Time to sign up.
October 2nd poker are you in?
Hey guys. We need some players.
If you’re in please sign in.
Sept 25 results
Chris (whiteboy)
Poker to day Tuesday Sep 19th anyone?
I have created a signup if anyone wants to play today.
Results from September 11
- Al
- Julius
- Evan