All posts by alan MacKay

Re – Buys

Ok Gents I would like to in a calm and rational way bring up the subject of re buys. (save the jokes)

We start the game  with 10,000 chips  (25-50) blinds  –   that equals 200 big blinds    (that is plenty)

If you re buy later  Example:  5,000 chips  (200-400) blinds  –   that equals 12.5 big blinds  (for the same price???)

It is my opinion that if we gave bigger re buys people would probably play smarter.  5k on tilt  really only leaves you with one move, jamming it all in, this will either result in a bogus double up or a 5k gift for ONE other person. Either way it’s shitty for the players who have managed their stack all game and don’t have deep pockets to play so loose.

The idea that a player can be  “OUT” and then re buy 2-3 times eventually get lucky enough to knock out someone who has played better and protected his stack is unfair.

Either increase the re buy chips or eliminate them.  I think it is the last Donkey part of our game.

I also feel once you have busted out you should be inelligable for any points that night. This will discourage some from re buying.

The question is do we want to give busted players a chance to get back in to take YOUR chips or send them packing?
