Is anyone available to play Tuesday Dec. 27th?
Is anyone available to play Tuesday Dec. 27th?
This was taken from our own set of rules. I’ve highlighted a few words.
Code of Conduct
Refrain from criticising another player’s play.
Seeing as though I adhere the rule of not smashing a bottle into another player’s face, why then aren’t the above rules being enforced? (Al)
Halloween falls on a Monday this year. Do we start later or play the night before (Sunday Oct 30th?)
In the hopes of adding incentive to attend, I propose a bad beat jackpot. ONLY 1/2 the money in the cup.
Typically the payout is divided as follows:
Quads over Quads:
This means both players must have a pocket pair to make quads.
posted by Al (please don’t alter or delete. lol)
To help recruit, I propose anyone who brings a new player gets $10 off that nights buy in?
Too many guys are dropping off if you haven’t noticed?
posted by Al
1) A separate fee should be paid by those who wish to compete for the cup $10 or $15
(that purse money goes to the winner of the cup). Those who don’t pay are not eligible for points.
2) Any player not at the table at the time of their deal has to to put a big blind in the pot.
3) This is a big one so read. new point structure
first gets 4 second gets 2 third gets 1
If a chop is made for the money by the final two then the points must also be chopped, 3, 3, and 1
First eligible player to 20 points gets his name on the cup and purse money.
I believe all ideas should be heard, considered, discussed rationally and ultimately decided by majority vote.
Posted by Al
1) New Start Time 7:30
2) Blinds structure stays the same (no anti)
3) 5 min break at top up if requested
Poker night was started in the early 90’s by 10 founding members as a fun, social event. Since then new players have joined and improved the quality of the “game”. We all want the same thing, a fair, competitive, quality game. However I think the “fun, social” part is declining. Some of the jokes and jabs are getting a little uncomfortable, I include myself. The same way we need structure with game rules, we also need structure with social rules.
*Be more respectful —- (wives, kids, religion, race, colour,) should be off limits.
*Try to communicate —- (In or Out, if you are going to be late, give a time)
*Maybe no electronics? —- (creates distractions and slows play) hey you might even have talk to each other
*Try to help with the moving of chips and cards.
*Be nice to new players (instead of taking offence to these suggestions maybe just agree)