8 thoughts on “Do we have anyone else interested in playing on Monday June 13?”

  1. Thank you guys for your response, while none of us are under any legal obligation, there is however an expected “social” courtesy/duty to let our host know if we’re going to take part in the hospitality/game offered? It would also courteous to show appreciation for the invitation and even to bow out gracefully if the game is one we’d rather not attend. Most used to respond, now not many.

    Late response sends a signal that you’re waiting to make up your mind because the event/invitation doesn’t thrill you in the first place!

    Let me guess, when Wayne announces BBQ the list will fill up that day and we’ll need 30 chairs?

  2. Plus…. Floyd, probably Kelvin, Rich? Anyone else????????

    I would bring out new players but I am too embarrassed and since nobody responded to my last post I don’t care if there is a game or not. 20 man roster and only 3 have signed in? IN – OUT -_MAYBE.

    How hard is that?

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