13 thoughts on “On line Price and 1 or 2 games a week”

  1. Either is fine with me and money amount I don’t have any issues with. I do agree with Steve thought that the cup points should be suspended until we’re back to playing face to face at Evans

  2. So it seems we have enough who are ok with $15 for now. I respect those who prefer one game per week but assume they’d have no issue if others wanted a second game. It could be no points winner takes all 🤷‍♂️. I agree we should keep regular Home game points seperate

  3. That’s cool sounds like everyone is ok with $15/buy in per online game.

    I do have a problem with the points though. I think no points should be awarded until we restart the home game…so cup run similar to all sports is suspended. It is not an apples to apples game.

  4. Which ever we decide I think It should be said that some people in our group may have reduce hours at work because of what’s happening. I think the buyin should be reduced to $15 until we go back to playing at Evans, to help them out. I also think the second game shouldn’t be for points.

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