15 thoughts on “Vote to change”

  1. As far as the second table goes. Setup and tear down is a non issue. Preparing 1,2or4 more chips is easy. The second table is in the back room or we play upstairs.
    As Steve Z said we’ve only had to do this once or twice. So really the point is almost mute. Most of the time we are short. Why not accommodate everyone. There have been a few times in the past where it looks like we have 14 and we end up with 8. If it turns out we get 16 every Monday. We can run two seperate games. Or invite women to play on the other table. I know I would not mind being out if some hot blond who is waiting for her fat friend wants to pet Dave.

  2. 1) 8pm

    2) yes to a second table and my reasoning is that in the what in the 9-10 years we have been playing it has only been an issue once, so based on those percentages I am ok to have a second table open up

    3) 2pm Monday cut off – Yes

  3. ***** REVISED ***** REVISED *****

    After reviewing Kevin’s comment, I agree with him and decided to change my stance on the 2nd Table over 12 Players to NO


    7:30 to 8:00 > 8:00
    2nd Table over 12 Players > NO
    Game Cancellation 2pm Mon > Yes

  4. – 7:30
    – no to second table except for special pre-announced games
    – yes to cut off time at 2 pm

    What is the lower limit for the cut off? 3 or 4 or 5 or 6.

  5. They reason I voted NO for the 2nd table for non special events is as follows:
    The game is being moved back to 8pm (as it looks to be voted on). This being said…The reason we opted to start earlier was to have games end earlier due to the regular game was starting to run late and later on average. So if we go back 8pm with 2 tables this will expand the time frame and the game time will run longer due to setups, teardowns,top-ups,chip collections, physically moving to one table & etc….
    this could quite possibly add on up to an extra hr to the current play time.

    Evan is being gracious by extending this offer in the first place.
    He will be the one to have more work on setting things up and cleaning things up.

    IMO…I think 2 tables should be the exception and not the normal.

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